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Blandford Freemasonry


Today there are two Freemasons' lodges which meet in Blandford, Bleckly Clarke Lodge No. 8290 and the Lodge of Honour and Friendship No. 1266.


A video about the origins of Freemasonry may be found here.


Bleckly Clarke Lodge was formed due to the popularity of Freemasonry in the late 1960s. The lodge is named after Dr. Bleckly Clarke, a prominent local doctor and the Provincial Grand Master for Dorset at that time.  Dr. Clarke oversaw the consecration of the lodge in 1969.


Freemasonry has a long and rich history in Blandford. The first Lodge in the town was formed in 1771 and met in the Greyhound Inn. This Lodge lasted only for 10 years.


On the 25th August 1815 a new Lodge, taking the name of Honour and Friendship was consecrated in Blandford with the assistance of Brethren from the Lodge of Amity in Poole and this time under the Provincial Grand Mastership of William Williams Esq. (one time MP for Weymouth and Melcombe Regis). The Lodge met in a private room in the Market Place. This Lodge lasted until 1836, the reason for its decline being unclear.


A further Lodge under the name of Honour and Friendship was granted a warrant (an authority to form) in 1842 but it is unclear if this Lodge was ever actually consecrated (i.e formed).


In 1869 the current Lodge of Honour and Friendship was consecrated in the Town Hall. 


For over 50 years now the two Lodges have worked side by side with much joint cooperation  to bring Blandford Freemasonry to the point it is at today.  We are proud of our institution, proud of our values and proud of our considerable contribution to the 300 years of Freemasonry since the formation of the very first Grand Lodge in England in 1717.


Both Lodges meet at the Freemasons' Hall in East Street along with several associated orders. Further information about Freemasonry in Dorset may be found at the Dorset Freemasonry website.

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